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Water Movement 3/4

$100 Purchase required to enroll

In this course, students will focus on independent forward movement in the water as well as continuation of self-rescue skills. Freestyle and backstroke skills as well as breaststroke arms are introduced in this level. This class is for participants who are comfortable in the water but cannot swim independently. The focus will be on body position and control, forward movement with kicking and arms and self-rescue.

Ratio is 3:1. Lesson time is 25 minutes.

This class is for ages 3 and 4 years old. Students may need more support and assistance but have lots of confidence in the water.

Cancellation policy

CANCELLATIONS Peace of Mind Swimming reserves the right to cancel any classes or activities due to low enrollment or any other reasonable cause. If a class is cancelled, you will be notified by email and a refund will be given. To cancel registration for a group swim lesson or private lesson, refund requests must be received 7 business days prior to start date. $20 administrative fee will be charged for all refund requests. Due to the seasonal nature of the program, there are no credits or refunds for missed classes.

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